Talk with the alumni of the history department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, which was named “Alumni Menyapa” was held in the Multimedia room, 2nd floor of Margono Building FIB UGM, on Monday, 15th May. The talk with history alumni was the inaugural edition and took the theme ‘History and the World of Work’. The activity, which was packaged in the format of a talk show and interactive dialogue, was a work program of the Gadjah Mada History Alumni Family (KASAGAMA) in collaboration with the Department of History, Faculty of Cultural Science UGM.
This event was filled by resource persons who work in various fields. The speakers then shared their experiences in pursuing a career with final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in the History Department Faculty of Cultural Science UGM.
The respective presenters are; ign. Eka Hadiyanta who works as a cultural heritage activist in Yogyakarta, Burhanudin D.R. who has a career as an archivist for BPAD DIY, Yudah Prakoso who is engaged in the Creative Media Industry, and Rumekso Setiyadi, a furniture entrepreneur from Bantul who is a member of the Indonesian Furniture and Craft Industry Association (HIMKI). Meanwhile, the moderator was Muhammad Nursam who is the owner of the Ombak publisher and the chairman of KASAGAMA.
At the opening of the talk show, Nursam explained that this event was held specially to facilitate students who had completed their final assignments and were waiting for the graduation procession. Nursam also added that this event is a place for students to express their doubts after graduation. “Yes, that’s why it’s simple, this event is made so that you don’t get confused when you graduate,” he said.
Burhanudin DR told his experience at that time. At that time, he had just become a baccalaurate. But, he had no direction to develop himself. “Finally I tried anything, almost everything, the important thing is to be sensitive to information”, said Burhan.
Yudah Prakoso had a different story. Alumnus of hIstory department batch 84 emphasized the importance of following our interests or passion. Yudah started his career as a journalist for print media, Media Indonesia. Before finally he worked in television media. “I’ve been in Lativi, SCTV, and finally in the MNC group, Hary Tanoe’s second ring,” he said. From that experience, even Yudah has created and produced an event. “If you have heard of the ‘Titian Iman’ program during the month of Ramadan, I made it,” said Yudah.
On the other side, Ign. Eka Hadiyanta gave advice to the participants. There will be three important things that must be learned. “The three are following interests, being smart in taking advantage of opportunities, and making connections,” he said. In line with Eka, Rumekso Setiyadi who started his career as an NGO activist has the same message, namely about connections. Besides that, Yoyok -as he is usually called-, sees that the most vital thing is focus and hard work. “Because basically, what we do will give,” said Yoyok.