The Bachelor of History Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada is Indonesia’s oldest history study program. This study program was established on January 23, 1951, but officially received a decree from the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia on September 15, 1955. The establishment of the Department of History UGM aims to produce qualified human resources in the field of history.
Therefore, one of the initial goals of its establishment is to improve the professional human resources in Indonesia who are competent in history. The Bachelor of History Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences meticulously pays attention to scientific developments in general and historical science in particular- both at the national and international levels. The learning programs and curricula respond to society’s changes and developments.
Therefore, it is crucial to develop the science of history to an advanced level to know and understand the dynamics and changes in society scientifically. However, knowledge and understanding of events in the past will only be meaningful if the underlying science develops in accordance with the changes that occur and is supported by scientific methods based on truth and honesty proven by evidence obtained through appropriate methodological work processes.
Becoming a bachelor’s program that is innovative and competitive at the international level, pursues excellence in the study of Indonesian social history, upholding nationalist and Pancasila views
- Organizing a high quality and competitive undergraduate (S-1) History study program at regional and international levels;
- Developing history, especially social history, research based on critical Indonesian historiographical traditions with a multidimensional historical approach to support the advancement of education, science, technology, culture, and art for the benefit of the nation and humanity;
- Carry out community service programs to establish historical awareness and encourage efforts to protect historical heritage in the community;
- Establishing cooperation networks and partnerships with various parties at the national and international levels to support the implementation of the three pillars of Higher Education
- Application of quality management principles from planning, organizing, supervising, controlling, and assessing the quality of academic and administrative activities of the S1 History Study Program.
The curriculum of this program is developed by taking into consideration the needs of stakeholders, market demands, and the development of historical science at the national and international levels. Curriculum reassessment and improvements are carried out regularly, at least once a year, while curriculum reviews are carried out every five years. Such an evaluation aims to further and sharpen competencies, following the latest developments in historical science both on the national as well as international stage, and to increase our graduates’ competence. The last curriculum review took place back in 2016. The department conducted the review process through various means, including the study program workshops, curriculum review, study program meetings, faculty level meetings, and review by the faculty senate. The curriculum consists of 144 academic credits with the following composition:
- 124 academic credits for compulsory Courses:
- 12 credits for courses offered by the university
- 18 credits for courses offered by faculty
- 94 credits for courses offered by the study Program
- 20 credits for electives
See detailed explanation about the courses in this page.
Enroll in the Bachelor of History Program
The Bachelor of History Program, Department of History, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, annually accepts students with a capacity of approximately 60 students through the SNBP, UTBK-SNBT, and Ujian Masuk UGM.