After 1998, the writing of history in Indonesia developed rapidly with new sources and methods. This is not directly proportional to the teaching of history in the classroom which remains monotonous. The absence of historiography and history writing problems as well as the ability of teachers to teach have contributed to the undeveloped teaching of history in schools. Historical writing always contains methodological limitations and is interesting to discuss. If this is presented in teaching in schools, both teachers and students will be able to discuss and criticize history and historical writing. In reality, teaching history in schools only presents the substance of historical events as written in the text. This method makes activities in the classroom very passive, because students only repeat readings from books without discussing historiographical problems and methodological problems. One way that can be done to create a critical attitude among students about methodology and historiography is by presenting various writings that discuss the same theme. This shows that historical writings can be written from various perspectives. In improving the competence of teachers, we cannot be separated from the educational background they received before becoming educators. Each teacher was educated at a different time. To improve the quality of teachers, improvements must be made to the teacher education process. “Scientists who are Masters” or “Ilmuwan yang Guru” are needed to accomplish this. One must be qualified as a scientist in his field before being prepared to become a teacher. They must not only master the substance of the field of science, but also the methodological process and axiological problems of the science. If this is already owned, then he will be ready to become a teacher. In the field of history, for example, prospective teachers must have an understanding of historical philosophy and historical methodology.
Education in Indonesia has always made the curriculum a benchmark for the success or failure of the teaching system. In fact, the curriculum is just an inanimate object, so curriculum changes are not a solution in solving educational problems. The capacity and ability of teachers is something that must be updated every second. If the teacher does not have the novelty of knowledge in accordance with the demands of the times, then education will not experience development. This is the answer, why history education has not developed much even though historical writing and research after the New Order has developed rapidly. This can be a material for self-examination as a teacher or lecturer, how new are the materials being taught in class?
Another problem is the psychology of teachers in providing motivation, both to themselves and to students. Currently, the field of history is not made a priority among young people. To be able to motivate young people to love history, teachers must first love their profession, “Teachers who happen to be teachers will not become real teachers”. So to be able to respond to technological and information developments, methodological, historiographical and teacher capacity issues must be resolved in parallel.
More can be seen in the following video: